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Mes Potes App

A French UI concept design  for a water tracking app for house plants.

Un Pote -  a friend, bro, or buddie (French); sounds similar to the English word Pot.


Illustrations created by Vecteezy and FlatIcon. All concept and design by me.


User Interface


Mes Potes



Hyde Park Honey .png
Hyde Park Honey .png

Une petite conception d'interface utilisateur pour une application de suivi d'arrosage des plantes. Créé et prototypes dans Adobe Xd et affiché dans Adobe After effets.

A little user interface design for a plant watering tracker app. Created and prototypes in Adobe Xd and displayed in Adobe after effects.

Low Fidelity Wireframe Sketches

Planning and sketching says a lot about a designer, so here's a sneak peak into my brainstorm for this project. Concepts tend to start from hand sketch, then digital blocking, and then the final with my design process.

Screenshot 2021-05-26 140742.png
Hyde Park Honey .png
Screenshot 2021-05-26 154201.png
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